Thursday, May 13, 2010

So Aidyn has been diagnosed with asthma...or something similar to that. He had recently started making some noise when I was riding him, especially on hot or muggy days. Dr. J scoped him and didn't see anything too abnormal, so she thinks it's probably a lower respiratory issue, possibly something going on in his lungs. Clenbuteral was the original drug of choice, but at $130 a pop for a small bottle, we decided to go with WindAid instead, at least initially. Hopefully it will do the trick. He got his first dosing today before our ride, and unfortunately it doesn't work miracles in half an hour. He was excellent today, albeit a little lazy and unresponsive, and started making his weezy sounds near the end of the ride. I'm sure it takes several consistent doses to really make any kind of a difference, so I'm not losing hope yet. I just hope it's related to allergies and pollen and muggy weather more than a long-term problem that we will always have to battle.

Some days he is so quick and rushy and ducking behind the bit, and then, like today, he is a kick-along ride that wants to lean and get heavy on the bridle. I prefer him like that, honestly. He was good today, trying to be straight when I asked and bent when I asked, good in his transitions, excellent with his halts(yay!) and very focused on what he was doing. Considering he's had three straight days off, this was good stuff. Very proud of him. Tomorrow will be a solo ride as K and I have different schedules going on, so it will be a good test for him.

I am enjoying taking my time with this horse. He'd be easy to rush, he's got a great mind and is very tolerant, but I want a long-term mount that doesn't have holes in his training. It may take us two years to get to the show ring, but so be it. The process of getting there is the fun part, and I'd love him even if he never made it.

God Bless!

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