He also enjoys his showers, although he won't admit it. He then goes straight to the dirtiest part of his pasture and rolls. The aftermath:
Gross. Back to work for him tomorrow evening, weather permitting. A light ride in the paddock to get him ready for a weekend full of riding :D
Also thought Aidyn wouldn't mind sharing his blog with the four geldings I am caring for for a very kind lady. The gang consists of Bailey, a gray Rocky Mountain Horse; Undertaker, a black RMH; Rusty, a chestnut QH; and Otto, a Friesian who is obviously black. Today was so hot that I felt baths were in order for all of them. Bailey was a bit unsure of the hose and the way water just spurts out of it at random intervals...he stood like a statue though. I think he secretly enjoyed getting all clean and shiny. Undertaker was a bit more antsy but he seemed happy to be getting the attention. Rusty is the king of Seperation Anxiety Issues, so when he was taken away from Otto to get his bath I had to keep his attention on me at all times so he wouldn't call for Otto or dance around. He was a good boy...that is, until I had to take Otto away for his bath. He screamed the entire time, tried to tear the stall door off (literally....) and generally acted a fool. Otto stood quietly and ignored him like a good man. When they were reunited, Otto was like "Um yeah dude...enough." We're going to be working on being seperated a bit more each time, I think...after all, how am I going to ride Otto if Rusty has to be with him?
Undertaker after his bath, feeling pretty sexy:

Silly boys. Can't wait to get back on my Baby TB tomorrow.
God Bless!